I made a promise to my kids this past week that I would take them to fly their kites. If you are a parent, you know there is 0% chance they will forget what you promised them. Morning came and sure enough they didn’t forget. I heard the pitter patter of small feet run into…
Don’t Forget to Laugh
I found this graphic add I did for a project in college and it made me laugh. Laughing at my design skills back then and laughing at memories that came flooding in from when I went skiing for the first time. I was 14 and spent spring break in Breckenridge Colorado. My childhood friend…
Upside Down
Has there been a moment in time when your life turned upside down? Not just a slight 25 degrees. I’m talking about 180. For me, it was on a February night. I was sitting at the dining table, reading the devotional “Slow Down” because I desperately needed encouragement being a mom in the thick of…