Get out of His Way
Parenting often feels like driving in the fog, constantly second-guessing your decisions and wondering if you are steering them in the right direction. When they are babies, you worry about things like: Are they getting enough milk? Am I a bad Mom if I use formula? Tummy time is turning into a terrible time!…
The Rock
This week we had a lot of rain which resulted in flooded roads. One particular spot that flooded was near a housing development which had a brand-new road. Although it looked nice, the drainage was designed poorly. The area functioned normally until a storm hit. That’s what can happen to us too. Jesus…
Jesus Wept.
“That song came on today. The one that hurts my heart to hear. The one that lives deep in my core. The one that transports me back to days of singing it with you.” – Liz Newman The Doxology… That’s the hymn that evokes both heartache and beauty equally. It’s the song that my Grandma…