If you have kids, then you’ve probably seen the movie Wish. There’s a song that says “I, I will protect you at all costs.” Every time this song comes on my daughter is quick to say (matter- of-factly),
“No, he can’t protect you, Only God can protect you!”
She trusts in God 100% to protect her.
I wonder if somewhere along the way I (we) have complicated the love of Jesus.
Childlike faith. That’s what we all need.
In the Bible, Jesus says in Matthew 18:3 “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”
Jesus is telling us we should have confidence in the promises of God and have faith like a child, even in circumstances we can’t see. Somehow, we need to learn how to let go of thinking “I know what is best for me” and trust that God knows what is best for me. Especially in the unknowns of life.
How many of you have a default setting that goes to worry when you face something challenging? My hand is raised high! I feel like when life hits me with something devastating, worry takes over my brain. Newsflash- worry does not help you! I have never been able to worry myself out of a problem. Have you?! So why do we allow ourselves to do this?
Something I have learned walking through difficulties in my life, is that I had to rewire my brain so worry wasn’t my go-to emotion. Instead of going down the rabbit hole of worse case scenarios, I had to tell myself, “GOD is bigger than my problem.” In fact, I have a sign above my desk at home that says, “Tell Your Problem How BIG God Is.”
Matthew 17:20 “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, Move from here to there and it will move.”
Just like a mustard seed grows into an enormous tree, the longer you walk with Jesus and be in his word, the bigger your faith will begin to grow. You start to look at your trials in a different way, seeing how God DID protect you, he DOES protect you and he will KEEP on protecting you!
Your enormous faith will shrink your mountain problems.
If you are thinking, “my problem is so big, it can’t be shrunk right now.” I am not trying to say what you are facing isn’t that bad. I know it’s gut wrenching. I know it’s crippling. I am sorry you had to or are still facing a mountain. I had some terrible mountains in my life too, BUT walking with Jesus changes everything!
Give your mountains to God.
God doesn’t “fix” our problems how we think he should, instead he does something better- He heals our hearts, redeems our stories, and gives us a testimony to help someone else. I have seen this play out in my life, time and time again.
Worry shrinks, & trust becomes my default setting.
So, I nod and agree with my daughter, “Yes, God protects us!” And I pray she keeps her childlike faith.