

“Keep going, you can do it!”

This was a phrase I kept repeating over and over to my Young Life girls. We were hiking at a Young Life Camp in Colorado. Some of the girls wanted to give up- others didn’t understand why we were hiking in the first place. As we were close to the top, I saw one of the girls trip and fall over a rock. Once I got closer to her, it was evident she hurt her knee. Defeat was written all over her face.

As more leaders hiked to where we were, it was determined she was going to need help to get to the top of the mountain.


She couldn’t do it on her own.


1 by 1, leaders helped take turns carrying her to the top. Because we knew what happened at the top of the mountain, we were not going to let her miss out.


Have you ever given up on something and lost your faith along the way? I can remember a few dark times in my teenage years where I started to question God’s goodness. I wondered, “Can God really do what he says he can?” In my mind everything was pointing in the other direction.

What barriers are in your way that have made you lose your faith?

In the Bible, Jesus was in a house in Capernaum when a large crowd showed up to hear him preach. There was a paralyzed man that believed that if he could just get to Jesus, he would be healed. But because of how many people were gathered there, he couldn’t get inside. Most of us would’ve given up right there. Luckily for him, he had 4 friends that had faith and determination. They were ready to tear through the roof.

Instead of giving up, they made a way.

Mark 2:2-5 So many gathered that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them. Some men came, bringing to him a paralytic, carried by four of them. Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus and, after digging through it, lowered the mat the paralyzed man was lying on. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”


The Bible doesn’t give details about the friends of the paralytic, but we can gather that the friends had seen Jesus preach before because they knew he could heal. In fact, they believed so strongly, they tore the roof off. Because of their faith, Jesus not only healed the paralytics heart- but he also healed his legs too.


I want that faith! Don’t you?

As we got closer to the peak, excitement came back in everyone’s voices. You could hear encouragement being exchanged between leaders and students. “You are almost there, a few more steps!”  Until, finally, we reached the top. Everyone started taking in the view and marveling at God’s creation. A few minutes later, we saw the leaders carrying our friend.


She made it!


We made it.


The reason we didn’t want our friend to stop in the middle was because we knew what was up ahead. If she turned back now, she would’ve missed the gorgeous view and the experience that followed the hike.

Don’t Stop in the Middle!


You see, at the mountain peak of every Young Life climb, we wait until Every. Single. Person. makes it to the top. Then, we all find a spot to sit, and silence falls over the mountain.

In the silence some students are talking to God.
In the silence, praise is being lifted.
In the silence, people are reflecting.
In the silence, sins are being forgiven.
In the silence, peace is being found.
In the silence, prodigals are coming home.
In the silence, hearts are being healed.

In the silence, our friend, who hurt her knee, is having an encounter with her heavenly father for the first time.

Just like the faith of the paralytic man saved him, Jesus can save you. The good news is that we don’t have to tear through a roof to get to Jesus.


 Jesus is approachable and he is where the healing is.


You can spend your life doubting, chasing things of the world, or you can have Faith and believe that God is who he says he is.


So, yea, maybe her knee didn’t heal when she got to the top of the mountain, but she found something better. The Father’s love and forgiveness. That’s the best kind of healing.

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“Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.” John 4:14

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