Turn Towards the Light

Plant in the light

Ok, secrets out, I’m NOT good with plants.

But somehow I managed to keep this plant alive for 8 years. So when my Mom came to visit during the holidays, (like any good mother would do), she tried to point out things I need to pay more attention to- like this plant.


“Tricia! You need to turn that plant!” 

My Mom exclaimed in horror.

“See how it’s growing towards the light? This plant needs more sun, I’m surprised it’s still alive.”


I knew she was right, but in that moment I thought, oh well, I’ll deal with that later.

Have you ever said that phrase, audibly or in your head?

I’ll deal with this later.

I’ll deal with this laundry later

I’ll deal with the dishes later

I’ll deal with this difficult person later

I’ll deal with this headache later

I’ll deal with this broken marriage later

I’ll deal with this depression later

I’ll deal with my wayward child later

I’ll deal with my sin later

I’ll deal with this loneliness later

I’ll deal with this anger issue later

I’ll deal with this_______ later. Whatever it is, the thing we dont want to deal with, is usually the thing that desperately needs our attention.

Heliotropism is the term for a plant’s tendency to “turn towards the sun” (And yes, I just learned this) Essentially, for all the non-plant people, this means wherever the light source is coming from, that is the direction the plant will grow.

Am I (you) like this plant? In desperate need for light?

God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. 1 John 1:5


Amidst the busyness of our day and problems that come up, we can be quick to burry our troubles and pain deep down into the pit of our stomach.

Maybe if this gets pushed far down enough, I won’t have to deal with it.

Problem is, if we keep doing that, we start to look like this plant- lopsided.

In my experience, trying to burry something in the dark never turns out ok. Ignoring what you need to work on, never gets better. It usually comes out in other forms, like yelling at your kids or snapping at a friend.


Can I offer you something that does work?

Face the problem head on! Bring your burdens into the light – to Jesus.

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. James 4:10

The best part is that you don’t have to search for him. He is already right there, waiting for you to turn towards him, towards the light. It will take time to heal, but slowly you will start to realize you don’t get angry as easy, you’re not quick to turn to sin. You are more aware of your triggers, and you are starting to stand up straight again.

You don’t need to stay in darkness.

And you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. 2 Peter 1:19

Once my Mom was on her way back home, I moved the plant to a room with more sunlight and turned the plant. Sure enough, it started looking for the light.

plant in sunlight

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“Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.” John 4:14

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