While cleaning out the car, I discovered soccer cleats caked in mud. As I began scraping the mud off, memories of freshman year cross country practice flooded my mind.
It was hill workout day, the day everyone dreaded. Put me on a flat road with no incline and I could run for miles, but hills… not so much. As we drove out to our starting point, we all knew we were going to be running in mud. It had rained A LOT while we were in school.
“Up and back 10 times!” The coach yelled, as we formed a line on the country road behind one another.
Within minutes, mud began accumulating on my shoes, making it feel like I was running with bricks on my feet. To make matters worse, mud from other runners’ shoes splattered onto my face.
“This is going to be fun.” I thought sarcastically.
I can’t recall the rest of practice, but I vividly remember the relief when I took off my shoes to clean them afterward. It felt like I could finally walk normally.
I felt lighter.
Staring down at the muddy soccer cleats, I thought to myself – the more mud that accumulates, the slower and sluggish you feel.
That’s just like in our everyday lives.
The more we stress, worry, add to our “TO DO” lists, have unresolved conflict, try to take control, attempt all things Christmas, be the “super mom”, the heavier we feel. If we never take time to realize that we have a pile of bricks on our backs, they will keep stacking.
What is weighing you down this season – this year?
When we carry too much – try to do it all –it weighs us down.
And we wonder why we can’t get our life together.
Can I tell you something? It was never yours to carry.
God sees the mess you’ve created and says, “Let me take it.”
Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall. (Psalm 55:22 NIV)
Something I’ve been talking to God about this year is that he would search my heart and reveal to me the things that are weighing me down. You know what I learned? (besides the fact that it is hard to unclench my fists)
The more I hand over to God, the lighter I feel! Maybe you need to pray that prayer too.
As we go into the New Year, I am praying that we can all scrape the mud off our shoes and let go of some things. God has a plan for you and wants to use you to show someone else the Father’s love.
It’s hard to run your race with mud under your shoes! 🙂
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