Not Enough Time

It’s the middle of summer and the kids are fighting with nothing to do.


“Mommy, I’m bored!”


You rattle off ideas, but nothing sounds fun. It’s too hot outside, so you are stuck in the house.


Eyes are glued to screens, not wanting to do anything else.


“What happened to my babies? They used to want to play all kinds of games and used their imaginations.”


You catch yourself wishing school will start back up, so they have something to do. Then you realize, you only have a few summers with them until they are grown.


So, you take away the devices, and say you will play WITH them.


Faces light up, imaginations return.


Puppet shows, board games, scavenger hunts, and water balloons.


The house is a mess, toys everywhere, but you don’t care. You are just glad that today, they brought their toys out again. One day, there won’t be toys to step over or blanket forts to clean up.


Only 10 more years before they are grown. You recite the verse Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Do I have enough time?

Enough time to teach them about the goodness of Jesus.

Enough time to help them make the right decisions.

Enough time to show them how to do laundry, cook, basic life skills.

Enough time for them to realize how much they are loved.

Jesus, please give me more time!

You pick up the phone to call your Mom and realize, “You have time” Because no matter your age, you still need your parents.

If you are breathing, you have time. What are you doing with that time?

The slow summer starts to move quickly. Now you see the boring, mundane days as a time to bond, be silly and teach life lessons.

I pray they remember these days and lessons forever.
For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven

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