This is It?!

Silver Dollar City

We recently surprised our kids with a trip to Silver Dollar City. I was expecting my kids to be so excited when we walked up to the park, but instead my son grumbled,

“This is it!?”

He saw right past all the attractions, food, what was inside the buildings and focused his mind on how much walking we had to do.

This was not the reaction I expected.

As we continued to walk someone handed us a map. Upon opening, his eyes fixed on The Fire District.

“Let’s go there!”

Our day quickly turned around because now we had a map showing us all there was to do.


Have you ever thought that about your own life, “This is it?!”


If only we had a map telling us how to have the most amazing life. Just imagine; it would show us places to go, people to avoid, what job we should take, person to marry, where to live, what pet we should adopt, school to attend and we would all live “happily ever after!”


Of course that’s not reality.

But what if I told you there is something even better than a map? The Bible.

For some, it might be tucked away on a dusty bookshelf, for others, it might be something they’ve never owned. And for some, it’s a well-worn companion, familiar with every page.

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. Romans 15:4

I don’t know what challenges you are facing, but I do know that the God of the Bible brings hope.

What if this years’ resolution was to start reading your Bible?


If you struggle following along, get caught up in all the names and how in the world could someone live past 150 years old – then look into The Bible Recap, or any other Bible reading plan in chronological order and look for God


No matter your trial, there’s so much joy to be found in this life. I’m praying you find it this year in the pages of your Bible.


Good news – This is NOT it. 🙂

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“Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.” John 4:14

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