Better Together


God created us for Community.


This weekend we took a mini vacation with our friends. At the end of the trip, after scrambling to complete the checkout list for our Airbnb, we loaded the cars and snapped 1 last group photo. Doors slamming, windows rolling down, we started to pull out of the driveway.

A few seconds later, we realized one of the cars was stuck. The charging station for the electric car was on a hill and somehow the back tire couldn’t get out of the rocks. Luckily, we all saw the situation unfolding before we drove off, and 1 by 1 got out of our cars to help. After a few tries, together, we got the car out.

Together we are stronger.

I love reading the story In the Bible about Ruth & Naomi. It is such a beautiful picture of “hesed” (loyal or faithful) love. If you don’t know the story, Namoi is a woman who loses her sons and her husband in a short timeframe. In those days, women had no rights, and if they were widowed, they were even worse off. On top of that, there was a severe drought in the land of Moab. All she had was her daughter-in-law, Ruth. Naomi wanted to go back to her homeland BY HERSELF because she heard “that the Lord had come to the aid of his people by providing food for them” (Ruth 1:6).

While Naomi wanted to do life alone, you can’t stop a friend like Ruth.

Ruth clings to Naomi, begging to let her do the journey together.


“Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go, I will go, and where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.” Ruth 2:16 


Naomi was feeling sorry for herself and didn’t want to bring anyone else in her pain – BUT Ruth was determined to not give up. She was ready to be the friend Naomi didn’t even know she needed.

I remember when I first moved to Texas. Leaving the life I once knew, my family, best friends, the familiar. It wasn’t easy. Especially for an introvert!


But I knew I needed to find community.


You can be like Naomi and think you don’t need anyone, OR you can put yourself out there, get past the awkward, and develop meaningful relationships.


What would’ve happened this weekend if we saw our friends struggling, and said “Nah, they can do it themselves,” and drove past them…? OR if they said, “I can get this car out by myself.” And didn’t let us help them.


We need friendships.


Sitting around the fire this weekend, talking – laughing – crying with friends, brought so much joy to my soul. This is what we are made for. God made us to enter in spaces with people and have conversations in person – not just through a text.

I hope you can build meaningful friendships –
Friendships like Naomi & Ruth.
I hope you don’t lose the art of inviting people into your home.
I hope you experience the joy of cooking a meal with community.
I hope you don’t diminish the importance of listening.
I hope texting that friend turns into talking to that friend.
I hope you can let people in- let them help you.
I hope you can realize; we need each other.
I hope you know, together, the enemy flees.

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“Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.” John 4:14

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