White As Snow


Last week when it started to snow, our house exploded in excitement. As soon as our children stepped outside, their faces illuminated with joy as they looked up at the sky. Large, fluffy snowflakes gently floating down. Their hands stretched wide open, as they enjoyed this magical moment.


Moments like this make you want to freeze time.


Being from Kansas, I’m used to snow. But here in Texas, it’s rare to experience. So, when I see my kids light up, it brings back memories of snow days when I was a kid.

As my mind wanders through memories of the past, I watch the snow fall.


Each snowflake is unique, just as God made each person distinct and special.

The snow starts to stick to the ground, and I wonder how many of us are wasting time trying to be like someone else. Maybe we wish we were smarter, prettier or stronger. Or maybe we don’t like our past- we’ve messed up too much.


Instead of being the person God made you to be, you try to be like your neighbor – your friend – the girl at the gym – or a stranger on Instagram.

BUT, God made YOU, in THIS generation, to fulfill HIS plan. We can’t fulfill his plan if we are trying to be someone other than ourselves or caught up in our biggest mistake.

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)


What I truly love about snow isn’t just playing in it, but the magical moment when I wake up to a bright, white morning. Seeing the fresh snow covering the ground reminds me of how God covers the messiness in my life, making me feel renewed and pure.

He can do that for you!

There is no sin too deep, no stain too stubborn, that his blood cannot wash clean.

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“Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.” John 4:14

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